Employers. Use the following link to register for this event:


Welcome to the job-seeker page for the Holbrook Job Fair. This fair will be held in Munoz Gym at Holbrook High School. Job-seekers do not have to register for the event.

Use this page to help you prepare for the job fair and research the employers who are coming.

Photos from last year’s job fair




About job fairs

Job fairs are a chance to network with employers who are offering jobs or sharing career path information. It is also a great way to find out what organizations offer resources and services to job-seekers. The reason job fairs are so popular is because they are a chance to actually meet and talk to a real person face-to-face, which can be advantageous when looking for work.

Those who attend job fairs are at various stages of their job search. Some are in career exploration mode and attend job fairs to learn about careers that may be a good match for them and get a sense of who the employers are in the area. There are also attendees who are on the complete opposite end of the job search process and are ready to apply for a job now. They usually researched the employers who will be attending and the jobs they are a good match for, and come ready with copies of their resume and a polished elevator pitch.

No matter what stage of the job-search process you are in, use the resources provided below to help you get the most out of a job fair.

Do’s and don’t of job fairs


How to get the most out of a job fair

Listen to this podcast episode with some good advice on how to prepare and get the most from a job fair


Develop your elevator pitch

Read this short article on how to put together at 30 second elevator pitch that is effective when introducing yourself to employers at a job fair

30 Seconds of Fame

Directory of Employers & Other Organizations Coming to the Job Fair